Tell My People The Unalterable Truths
May 4, 2022
- Let's observe, from the Beginning when God created the Earth and All therein. It was Good and very good – BEFORE man was created.
- JEHOVAH God’s Creation Never Rebelled ...nor was there disobedience against the Will of its Creator God – nor against the Sovereign Purpose for its creation/existence!
- Then, He created Man and Woman (Mankind) and Gave Man Authority and Dominion over earth. But Man has failed to be good stewards of the Land/earth.
- Only Man rebelled and disobeyed God! Scriptures say God regretted He created them! (Read Genesis 6) This continued rebellion of Mankind caused God's Flood Judgment. This Judgment was NOT caused by the Heavens nor the Land/Earth.
- Therefore, the "Righteous New Man" must come forward, accept the Truth of man's failure, and Speak with conviction, repentance and determination – stop disobeying and rebelling – and Act in obedience to our Creator God Almighty concerning all things including the Care of Mother Earth globally, lest the consequences become unbearably destructive!
- In our present days, Mankind is daring to rebel against who our Sovereign Lord has created us to be!
- From the Beginning until Noah's Flood, All of Nature was obedient to the Will of God for its created purpose!
- Every living creature was told to multiply/reproduce its kind! At the time of Noah's Flood, God protected His Will when He instructed Righteous Noah to allow all living things entrance into the Ark… 2 by 2… according to its kind " male and female" for reproduction purposes after the Flood of Judgment would cease and recede.
- But most importantly observe that Mankind has become more and more self-willed, and rebellious against God, even concerning who He created each individual to BE and function upon the earth!
- Therefore again, let's be very clear that it was NOT the Land or Nature which was responsible for the Judgment Floods. It was the consequences of man's rebellion, disobedience, and decadence! The Earth Never Disobeyed! Only Man had failed to obey! Angels in Heaven Obey… but Not man!
- However, we must be aware that God has – and will – use Nature to punish Mankind. After Noah’s day when Mankind’s rebellion increased again and Sodom and Gomorrah were filled with evil, “The LORD rained down burning sulfur from heaven” to destroy them (Genesis 19:24). And later when Israel was enslaved by Egypt, God sent Natures Plagues (Exodus: Chapters 7-11).
- From Genesis 1 to Revelations 22, our Father is still Speaking from His Heart of Love saying: "It is not My Will that any should perish ..but some will. Repent, Turn to Me your Creator and Live! Time is of essence…Time is Short” says He.
- Presently, I’m given to understand that the enemy spirit of “Iniquity" is trying to reproduce its kind… in the womb of the iniquitous heart-minds of Mankind, to the detriment of their Souls. "Evil reproduces evil and righteousness reproduces righteousness!” (Isaiah 5:20-21 and Luke 6:45)
- Mother Earth has proven faithful to the Will of God… she serves God's purpose. Mankind has Not! Repentance and Turning to our Father God is the True Call! For all that He created – including the Virgin Birth of JESUS our Savior for our perpetuation – was Very Good!
- When our Creator had His Loving thoughts about Mankind and the World, He called into being ALL we needed on the material plane. On the Spiritual plane, He also did the same. He made provisions on the Cross for our Eternal Souls and for Prosperity on Earth – ALL that Man needed – without exception.
- Therefore, let’s reflect upon these Unalterable Truths and choose to have Loving thoughts of God and these Truths that are magnified by the Creator – Who He was, IS and shall ever BE.
- Let’s not reject His Love, His Creations (Mankind and Earth) or desecrate any of it.
- Let’s choose to RETURN to our positions of Love for all creation and assume our Created Places of Authority, Responsibility and Dominion according to His WORD and His WAY. (Genesis 1: 27-31) NO OTHER ways will withstand the test of times ahead!
Please read Genesis chapters 1:1-31 & chapter 6 And, John the Revelator's messages Rev.22:1:21 for yourselves. Topics: "Eden Restored" and "The Coming of the Lord! "
Let's choose to Self-Correct and
Be Bride Ready for His Unexpected Appearance to claim His Own!