January 2018
The Mid-Night Counsel of God
The Lord says, "We Must...In spite of all of the ‘Luciferian Behaviors’ being witnessed and experienced, we Must Believe—with Action and Faith—in the Scriptural Words according to Romans 8:28:
We Are Assured, And Know that (God being a Partner in our Labor) All Things Work Out Together and (are Fitting into His Plan) For Good to those Who Love God, and are Called according to His Design and Purpose."
The Lord is charging and challenging us to—Keep the Faith, Be Assured, Know And Believe THIS TRUTH—although circumstances may seem to defy The Promise according to man's logic!
God Reigns! So, Let us Watch and Pray Strategically for Our Nation. But, He cautions us to "Judge Nothing Before its Time!” 1 Corinthians 4:5
Although we might ponder and wonder how any of these things could ever turn out for any good, let us "Hold On to His Truth and Be Truth Lighters" to the doubters!
His Ways are higher than our ways and His Thoughts are Higher than Our thoughts! So it is that He charges us, yet again, to "Occupy or Be Replaced!"
Let us Hold On and be determined that: "Neither Death nor Life, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor Things to come, nor Powers nor Heights, nor Death nor Anything else in all creation.. will be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Lord Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 8:38-39.